Select Works by David Hockney
David Hockney, (born 9 July 1937) is an English painter, draughtsman, printmaker, stage designer and photographer. An important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century.
David Hockney
An excerpt from “Co-Conspirators: Artist and Collector”
By Sue Scott
David Hockney is a bit of a wild card whose work came into the collection when two of Jim and Joe’s friends, Mark Berger (a schoolmate of Hockney’s in London) and Nathan Kolodner (whom Jim met at the gym), introduced them to the artist and his work. The collection contains an important early painting from 1964, Untitled (Landscape #1 and #2), and a large grouping of drawings used as studies for later paintings. “We liked Hockney’s early imagery, or lack thereof — images that suggest there’s more to come,” Jim says. “His work has hidden meanings and yet is personal.”
See also:
Essay > Co-Conspirators: Artist and Collector by Sue Scott
Artist Website
Please visit The David Hockney Foundation website for more information on David Hockney: thedavidhockneyfoundation.org