Select Works by Edouard Prulhiere
Edouard Prulhiere is a French Postwar & Contemporary artist who was born in 1965. Prulhiere’s work explores painting’s conventions its relationship to space and its showing conditions, as well as the different apparition modalities of an image.
Edouard Prulhiere
An excerpt from “An American Collection of Contemporary French Art”
By Eleanor Heartney
Edouard Prulhiere explores the region where abstraction and representation shade into each other. Rejecting, as do many of his generation, the traditional abstract artist’s quest for purity and essence, he sees abstraction as simply another system of signs, no more and no less authentic than any other.
Full text: An American Collection of Contemporary French Art
Artist Website
Please visit Edouard Prulhiere’s website for more information: edouardprulhiere.com