The Conversation Continues
Highlights from the James Cottrell and Joseph Lovett Collection
The Orlando Museum of Art
September 16, 2016 – January 1, 2017

The Orlando Museum of Art
Highlights from the James Cottrell and Joseph Lovett Collection
For more than 40 years, James Cottrell and Joseph Lovett have been building an exceptional collection of contemporary art. It is a collection that not only represents many prominent artists of the period, but also reflects the collectors’ passion for discovering new talent and making commitments to challenging work before it is critically proven. Their high regard for the artists they collect is often demonstrated by long personal friendships and a practice of collecting an artist’s work in depth over time.
An excerpt from “The Conversation Continues”
By Sue Scott
We were talking about Barton Benes, who was a very dear friend from our 20’s. He died at the age of 69. We were very close and talked together almost every day for years, decades actually. We had a great deal of his work. After I got over the shock and the terror of his decline and eventually his death, I realized that the conversation continued, because his work was everywhere. And wherever I saw his work, I would think of his incredible sense of humor and his take on life and realize that he was still with us through his work. Of course he’s there in my memory, but in his work there was something very tangible…and not so tangible. And that the conversation really continues, even after death…
Opening Reception at OMA
A chat with Jim Cottrell, Joe Lovett & Sue Scott
The Conversation Continues
Installation at OMA

Exhibition photos courtesy of Raymond Martinot.